July 29, 2009
Dylan Ratigan, host of MSNBC’s “Morning Meeting,” might be worried about keeping that gig. Why else would he act like he’s trying out for the job of Barney Frank’s press secretary?
The Massachusetts Representative appeared on July 28 to push…
July 9, 2009
The broadcast networks continued their crusade against the bottled water industry after the left-wing Environmental Working Group released a study about bottled water labeling. Jane Houlihan, an EWG spokesperson, testified at a congressional hearing…
July 10, 2009
“Good Morning America” consulted one of the news media’s favorite investors on July 10 asking Warren Buffet to advise their audience.ABC correspondent Bianna Golodryga interviewed the liberal billionaire Warren Buffett about investing and the…
June 16, 2009
Most nurses are ethical, right minded, and honest, but not Showtime’s “Nurse Jackie.” all of these qualities were disregarded. In the new show, nurses are instead portrayed in a negative light – something Showtime tried to capitalize on by screening…
April 8, 2022
Pinterest is full of hot air and looking to chill free speech. The digital platform has announced new restrictions against alleged climate “misinformation,” after partnering with openly biased, pro-censorship organizations. A Pinterest spokesperson…
May 6, 2022
A member of President Joe Biden’s Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board has close ties to liberal billionaire activist George Soros.
Disinformation Governance Board leader Jennifer Daskal has at least three connections to…
December 1, 2022
Big Tech giant Google is bankrolling the propaganda industry known as “fact-checking” to the tune of $13.2 million for a new fact-check fund, the behemoth announced Tuesday.
The money will go to the Poynter Institute’s notorious International Fact-…
December 27, 2022
Tech giant Apple is facing renewed criticism as protests in China have highlighted bad working conditions and Apple’s censorship support, according to NPR.
National Public Radio (NPR) conducted a recent interview of protestors outside Apple’s…
January 5, 2023
Ex-Enron executive and billionaire John Arnold is under fire from Texas Republicans for reportedly funneling millions into groups trying to censor supposed “disinformation.” Ironically, Enron is the same company that went bankrupt from corruption…
March 16, 2023
Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary bashed the federal bailout of Silicon Valley Bank depositors.
O’Leary explained his critiques on Fox Business’s Cavuto: Coast to Coast with host Neil Cavuto on Tuesdsay. Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is one of several…