September 29, 2021
It’s Week Five of MRC’s newest video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week, we talked about how Big Tech firms often shut down any conversation that doesn’t fit their agenda.
The focus this week was on founder James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas…
October 6, 2021
It’s Week Six of MRC’s new video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week, we talked about how Big Tech protects transgender content regardless of fact or fiction. But social media companies censor conservative content, accounts, and thought.
October 13, 2021
It’s Episode Seven of MRC’s new video series, CensorTrack with TR. This week we talked about the Free Speech America study which reported that Big Tech censors GOP congressmen by 54 to 1 more than Democrats.
Big Tech censorship is…
July 29, 2009
Dylan Ratigan, host of MSNBC’s “Morning Meeting,” might be worried about keeping that gig. Why else would he act like he’s trying out for the job of Barney Frank’s press secretary?
The Massachusetts Representative appeared on July 28 to push…
July 9, 2009
The broadcast networks continued their crusade against the bottled water industry after the left-wing Environmental Working Group released a study about bottled water labeling. Jane Houlihan, an EWG spokesperson, testified at a congressional hearing…
July 10, 2009
“Good Morning America” consulted one of the news media’s favorite investors on July 10 asking Warren Buffet to advise their audience.ABC correspondent Bianna Golodryga interviewed the liberal billionaire Warren Buffett about investing and the…
June 16, 2009
Most nurses are ethical, right minded, and honest, but not Showtime’s “Nurse Jackie.” all of these qualities were disregarded. In the new show, nurses are instead portrayed in a negative light – something Showtime tried to capitalize on by screening…
Lefty PR Exec Attacks: ‘Exxon Will Make Record Profits Destroying Our Economy and a Livable Climate’
July 6, 2012
“The path we are on will lead to the extinction of almost half
the species on earth. We may be one of them.” claimed David Fenton, CEO of a
top left-wing public relations firm.
Fenton made his hyperbolic claim in an open letter to
September 11, 2012
the media’s best efforts to hype organic food and convince the public
that it was better for people, some remained skeptical.The media spent years promoting organic foods from The Washington Post’s absurd claim in July 2006 that organic…
September 27, 2012
Spring,” the book still lauded by the left as the Bible of all things
environmental, turns 50 Sept. 27, 2012. The book, written by marine biologist
Rachel Carson, has been lauded by the media despite setting in motion a ban of
DDT that has…