May 30, 2006
Washington Post Magazine
Scoffs at Global Warming Skeptics
Rival paper Washington Times, meanwhile,
presents views on both sides of…
May 25, 2006
NY Times Sounds Downbeat
on Upbeat Economy
Reporter Peters downplays strong GDP
revision and hunts for signs of slowdown…
May 25, 2006
A Government Land Grab
the Media Can Love
ABC News casts Wal-Mart as Goliath
when town tries to seize its land, but Kelo ruling works…
May 24, 2006
CNN Continues to Dismiss
FTC Report on Price Gouging
Anchor bemoans results but weeks earlier
called for higher gas prices with gas…
May 24, 2006
Networks Silence on
Corrupt Fannie Mae Continues
Only CBS reported $400M Fannie Mae fine,
while Clinton administration connections of…
May 23, 2006
ABCs Kofman Blows Past
Skeptical Scientists in Hurricane Season Story
Reporter left out detractors of global
warming link,…
May 23, 2006
CNNs Serwer Dismisses
Study Finding No Price Gouging
ABC and NBC briefly reported the story
without commentary.
By Ken…
May 22, 2006
Parade on the March
Again, Downbeat on Economy
Magazine leaves out strong economy,
Bernankes forecast of soft landing in housing…
May 19, 2006
Morning Shows Ignore
Vote to Keep Ban on Offshore Oil Drilling
The same media outlets covered the
anti-business push to investigate…
May 18, 2006
CNNs Dobbs Continues to
Ignore Growth in Auto Industry
Anchor blames free trade for foreign
dominance, but doesnt point to the job…