August 4, 2021
Talk about Olympic-sized censorship. Google admitted that the platform demonetized a column from former talk show host Piers Morgan that merely criticized Olympic gymnast Simone Biles for abandoning her team at the Tokyo Olympic Games.
In a column…
August 5, 2021
Former President Donald Trump and everyday Americans are now piling on Big Tech for their egregious acts of censorship. Trump has amended his lawsuits against Big Tech corporations and executives to include comments from what appears to be a huge…
August 12, 2021
President Joe Biden is at odds with the First Amendment. His administration has reportedly pressured Facebook for several months to censor Americans who post views contradicting the administration’s COVID-19 narrative.
The First Amendment prohibits…
September 3, 2021
Big Tech corporations have increasingly censored more prominent politicians and celebrities as the woke executives in charge seemingly try to appease their radical Silicon Valley employees and the left. Online platforms targeted many well-known…
February 1, 2006
How much credit does Alan Greenspan deserve for Americas economic
success over the past 18 years? Answer: a lot, but nowhere near all.
I mean no slight to Mr. Greenspan. Indeed, the…
December 29, 2008
Editor, The New York Times
229 West 43rd St.
New York, NY 10036
To the Editor:
Like many people, Ben Stein was assured that Bernard Madoff "never lost money" ("They Told Me That Madoff Never Lost Money," Dec. 28). Unlike many people, Ben Stein…
December 18, 2008
Editor, The New York Times
229 West 43rd St.
New York, NY 10036
To the Editor:
Bravo for Roger Cohen's explanation that market economies work by creating new firms, new products, new processes – and that these creations are both the source of our…
December 15, 2008
Editor, The Wall Street Journal
200 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10281
To the Editor:
You rightly dismiss the argument that a government bailout of GM, Ford, and Chrysler is justified by the concern that people won't buy cars from companies in…
December 15, 2008
Editor, The New York Times
229 West 43rd St.
New York, NY 10036
To the Editor:
Presidential spokeswoman Dana Perino said Dec. 12 that "Under normal economic conditions we would prefer that markets determine the ultimate fate of private firms.…