May 20, 2020
In one of the richest counties in America, hundreds of cars line up for food assistance. It’s a scene repeated around the country. But mega-millionaire actor Robert De Niro wants the economy to stay shut down, warning of “a global…
October 6, 2021
Twitter, your bias is showing! The platform appears to have chosen not to enforce its rules on “targeted harassment” even when Jezebel told its readers they should “Absolutely Bully” Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ).
Jezebel, a vehemently leftist…
June 1, 2012
Executive SummaryReporters consider most risky products newsworthy, but tobacco gets
far more coverage than any other risky product, including such illegal
drugs as cocaine and marijuana. This is one conclusion of a special
year-long, two-part study…
June 1, 2012
Executive SummaryWhat kind of messages about business and the American workplace does
prime time tele-vision send to viewers? To find out, the Free Market
Project of the Media Research Center (MRC) analyzed 17 weeks of prime
time fare over 26 months…
June 1, 2012
Executive SummaryAccording to the National Council on Economic Education, 79 percent
of Americans get their information about the economy from television.
When the network news shows fail to provide context in economic stories
or simply leave basic…
June 1, 2012
Executive SummaryPolls from groups as diverse as Greenpeace and Citizens for a Sound
Economy show that most climate scientists are skeptical of claims that
the climate change of the 20th century has been a result of greenhouse
gas emissions. This is…
May 31, 2012
Executive SummaryA recent Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll, reported in the April 9 Wall Street Journal,
asked Americans which they would prefer: a candidate who advocates
cutting taxes, or a candidate who favors more spending on education…
December 8, 2021
MRC’s CensorTrack found 100 examples of Big Tech censoring content and users who affirm only two genders or recognize biological gender differences over the last 11 months. That’s an average of about two censorship incidents a week.
The left’s…
December 16, 2021
Fox News contributor and radio host Dan Bongino told Fox News media contributor and former Congressman Sean Duffy (R-WI) that there’s a “real” and “huge” market for online free speech platforms.
Bongino, a prolific user of the free…
December 20, 2021
Twitter locked American Principles Project Policy and Government Affairs Director Jon Schweppe out of his account for 12 hours after he called transgender ideology “evil.”
Schweppe’s now-deleted tweet called for more governors to ban hormone and…