August 26, 2015
Ten years ago, Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Louisiana, destroying homes, businesses, and claiming more than 1,000 lives. The networks saw Katrina as a harbinger of climate doom.
Hurricane Katrina was the 7th-most intense Atlantic hurricane on…
April 9, 2015
Surprise! Millions of uninsured Americans could owe Uncle Sam extra this tax season because of Obamacare.
The IRS began penalizing tax filers this year if they failed to purchase insurance in 2014. Obamacare, formally known as the Affordable Care…
July 28, 2015
Climate alarmist James Hansen recently dropped a “bombshell” study about rising seas, at least according to the media hyping his claims.
The former NASA lead climate scientist claimed sea levels could rise 10 feet in 50 years, which is…