August 1, 2019
The “science is settled” liberal media don’t want people to know there are scientists, even award-winning ones, who dispute the idea of catastrophic global warming.
Because outlets ignore and censor such scientists, curious…
August 7, 2019
Global demand for air travel is rising, so Vox celebrated a way to shame passengers for flying because of climate change for the second time in a week.
Vox staff writer Umair Irfan promoted the “global flying shame movement” and a new…
August 8, 2019
Following the horrific mass shootings in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio, CNBC asked Visa CEO Alfred Kelly about the role of corporations in gun control.
Kelly condemned the shootings and called for legislative action on gun control, but…
August 9, 2019
Many Democrats running for president in 2020 are calling for “Medicare-for-all” type healthcare, including Democratic socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and far-left candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).
Surprisingly, the liberal…
August 12, 2019
Even though some high-profile experts claim the U.S. is not headed for a recession right now, the liberal news media continued to promote economic pessimism during the summer of 2019.
Despite 3.7 percent (near record-low) unemployment, wage gains,…
November 18, 2014
“Interstellar” was a highly anticipated film, and one many liberals outlets expected to be the latest film to portray climate change as the cause of a dying Earth.Writers at major news outlets like The New York Times and Wall Street Journal, as well…
September 24, 2014
Author and columnist Naomi Klein is still having trouble getting her facts straight. This time, in an interview with MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” she tried to argue China is not a communist country, even though it is run by the Communist Party of China.In…
October 1, 2014
The mounting problems of failed computer models and an 18-year old “pause” in global warming hasn’t stopped climate alarmists from proposing radical changes for the sake of the planet.One of those calls came from Moby, a singer songwriter and…
October 2, 2014
Another day, another incident blamed on climate change.In an attempt to shore up climate concerns, ABC, NBC, and CBS all aired stories on Oct. 1, claiming large gatherings of walruses were the result of less ice and were connected to climate change…
October 7, 2014
The liberal media did a terrible job covering the IRS scandal, but one conservative set out to expose the government agency with a documentary film.National syndicated radio host and movie producer Craig Bergman’s movie, “UnFair: Exposing The IRS”…