September 2, 2010
With a 9.6 percent unemployment rate overall in the United States and unemployment rates showing an uptick in states on the Gulf of Mexico that allow offshore oil drilling, one has to wonder what the Obama administration is thinking its Draconian…
September 1, 2010
Jan. 20, 2009, was supposed to be the start of a new post-partisan political climate in Washington. To some journalists, that day was confirmation that a message had been sent that the people’s government had “declared independence” from special…
August 17, 2010
Want to see a textbook example of how the left has tried to frame the debate against extending the Bush tax cuts? Take a look at Cenk Uygur, of “The Young Turks” fame, playing the class warfare/populism card.
On MSNBC’s Aug. 17 broadcast of “The…
August 12, 2010
The wisdom of Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart: defending the Bush tax cuts is only a useful gesture against President Barack Obama and not a serious policy position.
That sounds pretty weak at face value. But Stewart, or least his writers, took that…
August 11, 2010
You can’t always get what you want and that appears to be a bitter pill for former Vice President Al Gore to swallow.
Gore, the leader of the global warming alarmism movement, told supporters during an Aug. 10 conference call that despite his best…
August 10, 2010
Want evidence that working at CNN can wear you down? Although this isn’t definitive, something has happened to network meteorologist Chad Myers.
Back on Dec. 18, 2008, Myers explained to viewers of CNN’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight” that he thought the…
August 9, 2010
You might wonder how the media – and, more to the point, the oil markets – have missed an important story like this.
On Aug. 8, Iran announced over its state-run airwaves that four new submarines were added to its fleet. But very little has been…
July 26, 2010
From his first days in the White House, Barack Obama has been criticized for his seeming indifference to the “special relationship” between the United States and the United Kingdom. Even in the wake of a visit from Britain's Prime Minister David…
July 9, 2010
While some on the left side of the aisle in Congress are getting all starry-eyed about prospects of more federal stimulus spending, the first round of stimulus under President Barack Obama may have done even less to help the ailing economy than…
July 8, 2010
Surprise – a British panel ruled that the scandal known as ClimateGate that supposedly revealed the manipulation of certain data strengthen the case of manmade global warming was much ado about nothing. But, The New York Times in a July 7 story…