January 19, 2009
File this one under the “I can’t believe he just said that on television."
Controversial filmmaker Spike Lee revealed he thought the economic difficulties that are presently plaguing the country were ordained by God to help get Barack Obama elected…
January 17, 2009
The controversy over Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ health could have legal implications for the company’s board of directors including former Vice President Al Gore.
On Jan. 14, Jobs, in a statement released through Apple’s press division, revealed the…
January 16, 2009
Here’s an environmental impact story you’re not likely to see in the mainstream media. Neither NBC’s chief environmental affair correspondent Anne Thompson, nor ABC correspondent Bill Blakemore nor CBS “60 Minutes” correspondent Scott Pelley – all…
January 15, 2009
He’s reviled by the left for carrying the water in the U.S. Senate for those who are skeptical of manmade global warming – and that may have been enough to put him over the top for MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann’s “Worst Person in the World” award.
On the…
January 15, 2009
If you’re fortunate enough to have it – don’t sell that oceanfront property for fear that the icecaps will melt, and rising seas swamping your property. A segment on CNN’s Jan. 13 “Lou Dobbs Tonight” explored the possibility that earth isn’t warming…
January 8, 2009
While economic stimulus fever is sweeping the nation one cable news channel at a time, some are skeptical it won’t do anything – because it isn’t large enough.
Joseph Stiglitz, winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in Economic Science and the most cited…
November 9, 2010
All this extra money being printed and put in the global economy, including the recent moves by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to implement another round of quantitative easing, also known as QE2, has consequences.
Those consequences include…
November 8, 2010
Moves by the Federal Reserve and its chairman Ben Bernanke for a second round of quantitative easing, otherwise known as QE2, have many warning the long-term viability of the U.S. dollar is in jeopardy. But according to the Fed’s view – it’s…
November 2, 2010
For the second day in a row, CNBC is embracing Rick Santelli for being the father of the Tea Party movement, when just a year ago the network seemed to be shying away from it.
On Nov. 2, the day of the 2010 midterm elections, CNBC’s “Power Lunch”…
October 29, 2010
With the elections looming, one of the centerpieces of the news coverage has been on the Tea Party movement and the types of candidates they’re putting forth. But is that where the focus should be?
According to CNBC CME Group reporter Rick Santelli…