May 4, 2012
An ad hit the airwaves this week featuring Bill Clinton talking about Obama’s moment of courage, in ordering the “get Bin Laden” operation. What does it signify?They don’t really like each other, Bill and Barry. Pundits like Chris Matthews, stuck…
May 31, 2012
You might want to sit down for this. At 11:14 a.m. EST, Friday, May 25, something remarkable happened on the very left leaning MSNBC. If you missed it, you missed a rare and momentous moment in MSNBC television. MSNBC host Thomas Roberts raised…
August 4, 2011
In a letter to the editor, published in the Northern Wyoming Daily News, Bruce L. Hargraves, USN Retired, wrote: "I object and take exception to everyone saying that Obama and Congress are spending money like a drunken sailor. As a former drunken…
July 16, 2012
The president’s Ohio bus tour slogan was “Betting on America.”Imagine if the Romney campaign had shown the poor judgment to snare this slogan. The media would have had a field day with Wall Street’s wagering, turning the economy into a giant casino…
July 19, 2012
In a CBS interview this past week, the president remarkably asserted that, in his first term, he has gotten all the policy right. His only mistake was not telling a good enough story to the American people.He may not have told them well, but Obama…
August 3, 2012
Obama’s executive branch is by-passing Congress again.According to reports from the Farm Bureau, virtually all waters of the United States could soon fall under regulatory control of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), if that agency succeeds…
September 21, 2012
In light of the Chicago school teacher strike, I would like to quote a few paragraphs from a Wall Street Journal article from February of 2007. Five years ago.“Who, on average, is better paid – public school teachers or architects? How about…
September 16, 2020
Twitter is apparently censoring accounts that tweet in support of famous Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, while also making additional moves to diminish that support.
The day before Rowling released her new book “Troubled Blood,” “#…
September 17, 2020
Senator Josh Hawley (R-MN) slammed Big Tech’s influence inside Congress on Fox News’s Tucker Carlson Tonight Wednesday evening.
American’s rights online have been trampled by major tech companies who have leveraged favorable government policy…
September 18, 2020
Facebook’s left-wing fact-checking network, masquerading as unbiased, censored yet another pro-Trump ad. The ad snarkily suggested that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden “accidentally” told the truth in stating that Americans taxes would be…