May 23, 2022
Comedian, actor and commentator Russell Brand wrecked the very idea of a Disinformation Governance Board and the war on disinformation itself: “Who gives a shit about disinformation? Sort out getting baby food!”
During an episode of his show…
April 22, 2021
Comedian, actor and commentator Russell Brand interviewed University of Toronto Psychology Professor Jordan Peterson and took time to hammer Big Tech companies.
Brand, a famous liberal free thinker, torched the idea that Western Civilization…
May 26, 2021
Comedian, actor and commentator Russell Brand interviewed independent journalist Glenn Greenwald and raked Big Tech companies over the coals for interfering with the 2020 election.
“Did the media and social media conspire together to keep…
April 24, 2019
On Wednesday, it was announce that liberal actress Kathy Griffin is hosting the Shorty Awards, the online social media awards show with a heavily liberal slant.
Even by Hollywood standards, these awards appear remarkably politicized. Unglued…