April 15, 2020
Ready for Big Tech companies to review your movements to avoid the COVID-19 pandemic?
In mid-May, Apple and Google will lay the groundwork for optional technology that will notify users when they have entered the presence of a person with the…
June 15, 2006
CNN's '70s Flashback:
Serwer Sees Specter of Stagflation
economy is performing strongly and inflation is well below 1970s
June 15, 2006
Summer of Gore Continues
with Softball Game on Larry King
Host lets Gore slam his talking points
out of the park without raising any…
June 14, 2006
ABC Labels Litigious
Food Police a Consumer Group
Industry critic CSPIs lawsuit escaped
critical review on World News Tonight…
June 13, 2006
PBSs Now Charged Up
About Foul Play Killing Electric Car
But in reality, only a few hundred sold,
despite tax credits and advertising…
June 13, 2006
Gores Film, Lionized by
Media, A Pussycat at Box Office
Documentarys lackluster performance
worse than Gigli, A Prairie Home…
June 12, 2006
USA Today Hypes Student
Debt Loads
Paper features grad student with more
than double the average debt load of his peers.…
June 9, 2006
NBC Marks Death Tax
Bills Demise with Democratic Zinger
Anchor Brian Williams left out
conservative talking points and studies…
June 9, 2006
CNN Airs Glowing Review
of Ethanol Boom in Iowa
Reporter Lothian leaves out how
taxpayers are picking up a large part of the bill…
June 9, 2006
CBS Downplays
Terrorisms Impact on Oil
BusinessWeek cited oil analysts who
estimated much higher costs from terrorism.