September 3, 2008
Embraces Media Hype about Economic 'Turmoil'
Like looking in a mirror, Sen.
Barack Obamas downbeat perspective on the economy reflected the…
August 27, 2008
Media Outlets Turn on 'Cancer Vaccine' Maker
Another pharmaceutical company is
being targeted by the media except this time its the maker of…
August 20, 2008
The Nanny State Diaries
trans fat to plastic grocery bag bans, the media often take the
side of the government making decisions for…
August 13, 2008
Network News Barely Considers Nuclear Option
energy is a hot debate on the campaign trail today, but the
network media dont have…
August 6, 2008
Oil War: The Media Crusade
a super villain in the news and its not The Joker.
Reporters on the broadcast networks and CNN battle the…
July 30, 2008
Second Wage Hike Not 'Enough' for the Media
minimum wage went up last week, but the media still mostly
ignored the economic…
July 16, 2008
Times Bigger than Enron, and the Networks Didn't See It Coming
Cooking the books but protected by powerful politicians, the
Fannie Mae and…
July 9, 2008
Starbucks Coverage with a Shot of Schadenfreude
people are glad to see the coffee chain suffering and closing
stores. But for years, the…
July 2, 2008
'Energy Independence Day': Take Two
been a year since Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared
July 4 Energy Independence Day. In…
June 25, 2008
Media Try to Cool Down Oil Drilling Fever
Did you know a majority of Americans favor more domestic oil…