February 14, 2006
The New York Times has long made a habit of airing its disdain for
big cuts in domestic spending and soaring profits at major oil
companies. However, Edmund Andrews chose to reinvent the wheel by…
August 22, 2005
See Executive Summary
CNN promotes “Lou Dobbs Tonight” as “news, debate and opinion.” But it doesn’t explain that Dobbs defines those words his own unique way. “News” is often economic distortions presented as fact. “Debate” doesn’t always mean…
August 22, 2005
See Full Study
Critics have complained that CNN’s “Lou Dobbs Tonight” is a seamless rant against big business and free trade. The network in turn has promoted a premier news and business program as “news, debate and opinion.” But it doesn’t…
December 12, 2011
Finally, the
discussion about Hurricane Katrinas aftermath has turned to the
Mississippi coast. Since the advent of the storm, devastated
Mississippi communities have received sparse coverage compared to…
December 12, 2011
If there were a Saffir-Simpson scale for newscasts, CNNs Lou Dobbs
Tonight would have been downgraded long ago from news to rant.
A September 20 report on the Labor Departments suspension of…
December 12, 2011
As good
neighbors, private charities, and government agencies rushed to aid
the victims of Hurricane Katrina, CNNs Lou Dobbs and Lisa Sylvester
offered their own charitable assistance to labor unions and…
June 11, 2012
Barack Obama may have gotten the U.S. out of the war in Iraq, but at
home he’s declared war on an entire industry, one that the whole country
depends on. But unlike most wars, this one hasn’t gotten much coverage
on the broadcast news…
February 8, 2008
Sen. Barack Obama is highly intelligent, likeable, articulate (no racism intended), dynamic, well-educated and witty. He is receiving virtually worshipful coverage from the news media.
Now imagine the Republican presidential front runner is a…
February 5, 2008
It's simple. The most competent candidate who comes closest to sharing my core values and political philosophy will get my vote as president. Nobody gets a free ante in the biggest card game of all because of race, gender, religion, or POW status.…
January 15, 2008
Jesus Christ brought change, as did Adolph Hitler. “Change” can mean many things.
Most of us won't allow a hairstylist to “change” our do without an in-depth explanation. But a lot of us are buying into undefined promises of “change” from…