December 12, 2011
companies cant catch a break on TV news shows. After months of
media complaints about companies selling allegedly unsafe medicines
such as Vioxx, the September 11 edition of 60…
December 12, 2011
Post Spins History to Attack Business
Reparations story calls slavery a crime
and fails to remind readers that it really wasnt.
The Washington Post…
July 5, 2012
There are always at least two views to any economy. If you think the U.S. economy is recovering but might need more stimulus, you probably vote liberal. If you think the economy stinks and government needs to be reined in, then you might be…
July 19, 2012
What do New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, gay marriage and Barack Obama have in common? The media spent years laying the groundwork for their popularity. As Mitt Romney studies hard for a vice presidential pick, smart analysts are probably assessing…
November 14, 2012
The nation is nearing a “fiscal cliff” of huge tax hikes and major cuts in government. It’s all the result of a debt deal made between the Obama administration and Republicans in Congress.But
in the six months leading up to the presidential…
December 3, 2012
is racing toward the Jan. 1 fiscal cliff deadline when tax hikes and
spending cuts automatically take effect. But the overwhelming news focus
has been only on tax hikes as a solution to the problem. Since the
election, ABC News has…
August 13, 2013
When Detroit
declared bankruptcy in June, broadcasters acted like it was a shocking turn of
events. NBC “Nightly News” anchor Brian Williams told the “sad news from Detroit, the
largest U.S. city
to file for bankruptcy.” CBS’s Mark Strassman…
June 24, 2014
When it comes to big money in politics, there’s only
one name the broadcast networks dwell on – the Koch brothers.
Billionaires David and Charles Koch are major
contributors to both conservative and Republican causes. Democrats are “placing
December 13, 2021
One thing is certain, liberal media outlets become even more liberal. Case in point: The Baltimore Sun just dropped syndicated columnist and wildly popular conservative writer Cal Thomas.
The Sun didn't make a big deal about it. Instead it chose to…
April 14, 2022
It was the stock buyout heard ‘round the world. Tesla owner Elon Musk’s offer to buy Twitter could save the whole concept of online free speech and alter politics and elections globally for years to come.
Musk’s move might be the biggest…