April 3, 2009
After months of doom and gloom, suggestions of the next Great Depression and stories on “tent cities,” the New York Times and CNN.com ran similar, positive pieces on the housing market.
While the depressed housing market and economic recession…
March 10, 2009
For all intents and purposes, Jim Cramer has left the Obama
“Hope and Change” express. In an interview with Meredith Viera on the March 10
“Today” show, Cramer, along with Erin Burnett of CNBC, sounded off on the Obama
administration’s plan to…
June 21, 2007
Pity the poor Wall Street Journal staffer. The union is battling the Bancroft family that currently owns the paper. Then News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch made a big bid for the firm and Journal reporters and editors didn’t like…
May 18, 2007
The book “Silent Spring” set in motion the banning of DDT and needlessly cost millions of lives. The Washington Post chose to mark author Rachel Carson’s 100th birthday by barely mentioning that her actions “have remained…
May 17, 2007
Only a network anchor could think that earning nearly four times the median household income is “modest.”
That was CNN “American Morning” anchor John Roberts’ take on Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-Ill.)…
May 15, 2007
It was almost like CBS’s version of “To Catch A Predator.” “Evening News” anchor Katie Couric warned: “They’re after your children and your grandchildren.”
By “they,” she meant nasty old…
May 6, 2007
Apparently, saving the whales is more important than saving 5.5 billion people. Paul Watson, founder and president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and famous for militant intervention to stop whalers, now warns…
May 1, 2007
Want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge? It’s not for sale, but even if it were, BusinessWeek doesn’t think you should be able to buy it.
The May 7 issue warned that “privateers” (another word for “…
April 30, 2007
Gas prices are high, but CNN wants them higher. Lots higher. CNN’s Allen Wastler told viewers April 28 that the government should increase the price with a huge new tax. “Put in a tax to make it $4 a gallon right now,” he…
April 23, 2007
Perhaps CNN’s “Open House” should be renamed to “Open Bias.” The April 21 show had host Gerri Willis issuing her own call for new mortgage regulations.
In a short segment on the subprime mortgage…