June 18, 2008
“We’re going to scare you to death.”
That’s not the advertising slogan for “Saw XVII.” It might well be the motto of modern journalism. “If it bleeds, it leads” has always been a news motto. Somewhere along the way, news went from public…
June 4, 2008
Truth, it is said, is the first casualty in war. CACI International Inc. Chairman of the Board Jack London found that out the hard way. His company went to Iraq to help the war effort.
That commitment led employees to a war zone and to…
May 28, 2008
One look at statistics – from GDP growth to the unemployment rate – and it’s obvious this isn’t the worst economic time in U.S. history. But it might be the worst journalistically. The major media give us only two degrees of economic news –…
May 14, 2008
Angry about the price of gas? It used to be you could simply blame Bill Clinton.
In December 1995, Clinton helped make sure our margin for error with oil supplies would one day be no margin at all. Clinton vetoed a budget that authorized…
April 2, 2008
Pity poor Al Gore. The former presidential candidate has a trophy room Tiger Woods would envy. He’s got the Nobel Peace Prize, an Emmy, even an Oscar. But much like his failed presidential campaign, Gore can’t win the big game.
March 12, 2008
To hear the mainstream media tell it, we have a Titanic problem with global warming. Not large, but Titanic in that they believe “unsinkable” mankind is facing a looming cataclysm.
How do they know? Because some scientists tell them that’…
January 9, 2008
Up or down? Nobody really knows, if you’re talking about the economy.
There are tons of predictions about what will happen in 2008 – everything from “recession” from much of the media to market maniac Jim Cramer predicting “sunny skies.”…
November 19, 2009
The $1,000 bill has President Grover Cleveland’s face on it. The $100,000 bill has the dour image of President Woodrow Wilson.
We’ve already seen President Barack Obama attach his name and face to the $787 billion stimulus bill. And if the left has…
November 17, 2009
Forget the stock market. Sure, the Dow has made a stunning improvement since January 20. The market has jumped from just under 8,000 to over 10,000 – a 29 percent increase.
But that’s not the place to put your money. Unemployment is outpacing Wall…
November 4, 2009
It’s been a year since the American public first said “I do” to Barack Obama and it’s still a honeymoon period for the mainstream press. The first year of marriage might have been a bit rocky, but journalists still have that crush on Obama.