April 23, 2007
The headline read like a press release: “Democrats Craft New Tax Rules, New Image.” It might as well have been one.
The April 23 Washington Post front-page story depicted Democrats as opponents…
April 9, 2007
Who needs Nostradamus when you have CNN’s “American Morning"? Instead of waiting for someone to complain about a big executive payday, the April 9 show’s team whined about its own pay and predicted the AFL-CIO would chime in…
April 3, 2007
Customer complaints are down about air travel, but you’d never know it watching either CBS or NBC. Both networks had April 2 reports about a new study that says “what a lot of frequent flyers already know – it has gotten…
April 2, 2007
Al Gore says the earth “has a fever,” but Time magazine claims the planet is “thrashing through the alternating chills and night sweats of a serious illness.”
In the 44-page “Global Warming…
March 20, 2007
Call it “Dancing with the Stars”: Global Warming Edition. Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards showed his best dance moves trying to avoid questions about how energy efficient his 28,000-square-foot mansion really is…
March 6, 2007
Lengthy runway waits might have some customers feeling air sick, but an Associated Press report showed that the chances of a lengthy delay are nearly 1 in 1,000.
Readers of the March 6 AP piece…
November 21, 2008
With the holiday coming, there is a big reason to give thanks after all. Consumers can celebrate that gas has dropped below $2 for the first time in years. That marks a fall of more than 50 percent since July 15 when gas hit…
October 15, 2008
America has always valued success. But at the same time, we’ve had a love affair with class warfare. Big businessmen – railroad tycoons, bankers and cattlemen – became easy targets for our discontent. …
February 11, 2010
Liberals often claim they back free speech – except when they don’t like what is being said. Such is the case with the Glenn Beck boycott. A supposedly “nonpartisan” group pushed by liberal front groups and Web sites has been targeting Fox’s “Glenn…
February 10, 2010
ABC, CBS, NBC Still Biased in Picking Stimulus Spokesmen: All three broadcast networks promoted the stimulus prior to the vote. Afterward, ABC, CBS and NBC served as unofficial boosters of what NBC called “President Obama’s stimulus cavalry.” The…