October 11, 2011
As the Occupy Everything crowd marches in dozens of cities nationwide, it's obvious their goal is nothing less than "global revolution." It's the phrase that headlines the live video feed. It's the sentiment that flows through their entire series of…
October 3, 2011
It would be easy to dismiss the Occupy Wall Street protests as another disorganized and pungent liberal whinefest … because that's basically true. The demonstrations, taking place in New York and now other cities and other nations, have a classic…
September 28, 2011
Drop that plastic spork (it's made from petroleum), let your babies go diaper-free (ewww!), give up air travel and join the movement. Defining "the movement" might be a wee bit tricky, but it's there and if you have a heart (brain not required) and…
September 14, 2011
When Sarah Palin ran for vice president, journalists provided some Alaska-sized examples of character assassination, attacking her by a factor of 18-to-1, calling her McCain's "problem" and her views "incendiary." So far this election, the media are…
September 8, 2011
The huge noise you just heard was the sound of … nothing.
A bit of nothing that was quite something - the latest job numbers. Total jobs gained: zero. Zilch. Nada. Dictionary.com lists 25 such synonyms for such a monumental failure. That's not even…
August 25, 2011
The Politico headline read: "Conservative elites pine for 2012 hero." They could have shortened that sentence to "Elites pine" or more likely to "Elites freak the heck out." Because it's not just the conservative cognoscenti, it's all of them. The…
August 4, 2011
Happy Birthday to me,Happy Birthday to me,I'm narcissistic you see,Happy birthday to me.It's the perfect romance: a man who loves to be loved and, well, his biggest fan - himself. It's hard to tell if we should mark August 4 as Barack Obama's…
June 9, 2011
Welcome to "recovery summer." Oops, that was last year when journalists told us that prosperity was just around the corner.We turned that corner and took a huge left, but the economy didn't. It went south. Now, the greatest nation on earth is…
April 20, 2011
It's been two weeks since George Soros bought himself a major economic conference designed to remake the entire global economy. Just because the event received little major news attention, it still had an impact Americans might be reeling from for…
January 26, 2011
She is the Queen of All Media, a woman so successful she has her own TV show, her own magazine, $2.7 billion in the bank, a book club that can make any author a best seller and now her own TV network. And, conveniently, she also has a 'secret' she…