March 4, 2009
In the 2004 movie “Garden State,” Natalie Portman plays Sam, a character who just can’t stop lying. “I don't even know why I do it. It's like ... it's like a tick, I mean sometimes I hear myself say something and then I think, Wow, that wasn't even…
February 25, 2009
Only in America does the term “tea party” sound ominous. In much of the world, it’s a high-falootin,’ civilized gathering. In the U.S., it has meant tax rebellion ever since a few Boston patriots decided they liked their tea mixed with salt water…
February 18, 2009
President Obama’s nearly $800-billion stimulus package finally passed – including the mini-tax break of $400 per person. That’s about enough money for each taxpayer to go to lunch once a week – but only for fast food. At $7.69 a week, Obama’s “…
February 10, 2009
WASHINGTON – Shares of Hope and Change, Inc. finally rose this past week on word the North American firm would spend more than $1 trillion to dig itself out of a prolonged economic downturn. Hope and Change (NYSE:HOPE), formerly the United States of…
February 4, 2009
Once newspapers were the answer to the riddle: “What is black and white and read all over?” They’re no longer just black and white, but they are red all over. Red ink spills off nearly every page onto balance sheets across America.
The newspaper…
January 27, 2009
It’s almost Groundhog Day. Americans wait anxiously for Al Gore to pop up out of his hole, mumble “global warming” to the shivering masses and then scurry away again while we suffer through weeks more of winter.
We won’t be disappointed. Gore is…
January 21, 2009
According to President-elect Barack Obama’s latest radio address, this will be “the most open and accessible inauguration in history.”
I guess he forgot to tell his inauguration committee. They have “struck deals with three television networks to…
January 14, 2009
A few years ago, the Securities and Exchange Commission looked at Bernie
Madoff’s operation and said it was doing things just fine. Madoff then
allegedly went on to scam $50 billion from unknowing investors. Congress
instituted the Alternative…
November 11, 2011
Tune in the evening news and you'd think America is a scandal-plagued nation. Scandals to the right of us, scandals to the left of us. There's the media assault on GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain, the deadly Fast and Furious federal gun-…
October 21, 2011
There's a diagram floating around the Internet that claims to show areas of agreement between Tea Party protesters and the Occupy Wall Street crowd. It's an idea supported by some pundits and media types as well. Even the president chimed in…