April 20, 2005
CDCs Numbers Collapse Under Weight
of New Study
Analysis finds estimates of obesity deaths
14 times higher than reality. Center for Disease Control vows not to…
April 15, 2005
BBC Bothered by Capitalism in Afghan
Reporter details the dangers of free
market economics because landowners make a profit.
By Dan Gainor…
April 13, 2005
CBS Plays the Victim Card and Takes
It to the Bank
Evening News criticizes controversial new
fee after man overspends his account
By Dan Gainor…
April 11, 2005
Discovery Channel Blows Its Top and
Its Credibility
Network focused on devastating impact of
true story of Yellowstone volcano that just hasnt happened yet
March 30, 2005
CBS Evening News Wakes Up to Find
Non-profit Gets Funding
Report criticizes National Sleep
Foundation for drug industry financing, but ignores backing for…
March 28, 2005
CNNs Global Warming Special Typifies Liberal Bias of Climate
By Dan Gainor and Amy Menefee
March 28, 2005
Its the end of the world as…
March 9, 2005
'60 Minutes Describes Video Game as a Killer Application
By Dan Gainor
March 9, 2005
First, video games were linked to
childhood obesity…
August 31, 2005
USA Today Downplays Its Own Explanation of Health Care Costs
Major series fails to
understand why premium care has a premium price…
February 28, 2005
ABC Promotes
Times Pact with Left-Wing Advocacy Group
By Dan Gainor
Its common for the major TV networks to run news stories that rewrite those that appeared in that…
February 24, 2005
CBS Backs Nanny State Ban on Teen Tanning
By Dan Gainor
CBS Evening News tried to shine
some light on the tanning industry last night, but ended up simply…