May 19, 2005
Payday at CBS: 60 Minutes Cashes in
on Another Business Attack
Network uses disgruntled customers,
competitor and frustrated official to target loan companies.…
May 16, 2005
Paper Tigers Take Bite Out of
American Dream
Three major newspapers attack traditional
economic views and show support for the welfare state.
By Dan Gainor…
May 6, 2005
Paul Krugmans Serious Drug Problem
is based on bad statistics
New York Times economist continues
papers reliance on incorrect information about drug research costs…
April 27, 2005
Post Paints FDR as Moderate on
Social Security
Story focuses on different legislative
styles of Bush and Roosevelt. It then ignores enormous differences…
April 22, 2005
When Greenspan speaks
Post, Times dont even come close to agreeing on what
Fed Chairman has to say.
By Dan Gainor
April 22, 2005
Its rare that…
April 20, 2005
CDCs Numbers Collapse Under Weight
of New Study
Analysis finds estimates of obesity deaths
14 times higher than reality. Center for Disease Control vows not to…
April 15, 2005
BBC Bothered by Capitalism in Afghan
Reporter details the dangers of free
market economics because landowners make a profit.
By Dan Gainor…
April 13, 2005
CBS Plays the Victim Card and Takes
It to the Bank
Evening News criticizes controversial new
fee after man overspends his account
By Dan Gainor…
April 11, 2005
Discovery Channel Blows Its Top and
Its Credibility
Network focused on devastating impact of
true story of Yellowstone volcano that just hasnt happened yet