November 7, 2006
Christmas came early for the energy company TXU Corp. (NYSE: TXU) – but not in a good way. The New York Times dumped coal in the firm’s stocking over plans to build 11 new coal-fired power plants in Texas and indicted the firm for its part in “…
October 5, 2007
The “Road to Recession” lost its way. The latest job numbers show an increase of 110,000 jobs in September and a revision of the August numbers from a loss of 4,000 to an increase of 89,000. That means there have now been 49 straight months of…
August 24, 2007
What’s a constitutional amendment among friends? Not much, if you are a liberal economist like Dean Baker. Baker wrote an August 20 piece on Commondreams.org urging Congress to eliminate foreclosures and let homeowners live in those houses…
April 24, 2007
How do you fix problems with government? With more government, of course. That’s the CBS strategy based on reported problems at the Food and Drug Administration. In a two-story effort, the network pushed for more legislation, more regulation…
April 17, 2007
Even when its actions “create a tremendous number of potential conflicts,” The New York Times treats AARP with respect and softens any criticism by consulting only the group’s friends.
AARP announced it will start offering health…
April 12, 2007
Mandatory government regulation of carbon dioxide is “the right direction” to combat global warming according to CNN’s Ali Velshi.
Velshi’s April 12 “American Morning” report detailed how ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP) CEO James Mulva embraced…
April 11, 2007
The radical left is after Big Oil again, and so is CNN. The April 11 “American Morning” business segment had anchor Miles O’Brien echoing a congressman’s attack on the oil industry. “A congressional chairman flexes his muscle with Big Oil over…
April 10, 2007
In real estate, it’s “location, location, location.” Newsweek magazine’s April 16 issues show location also is a factor in what the media tell you about global warming. M.I.T. Prof. Richard Lindzen’s column poking holes in global warming dogma…
April 10, 2007
You say tomato. CNN says paying more for that tomato is doing the “right thing.”
At least the April 10 “American Morning” team treated McDonald’s OK in their report about the fast food giant agreeing to pay 1 cent more per pound for…
April 9, 2007
Vanity Fair wants to doom conservatives and businesses to the many layers of Dante’s hell for daring to question global warming dogma.
The two-page “Dante’s Inferno: Green Edition” was part of Vanity Fair’s full-issue attack that even…