July 18, 2007
The well is about to run dry.
That’s what the International Energy Agency said in early July. According to the Financial Times, “oil looks extremely tight in five years time.”
Why wait five years? Oil looks pretty tight right now.…
July 11, 2007
Say the word “Fark” and you either get knowing smirks or people think you are cursing. Geeks like myself might even make the connection with the expletive “frack” or “frak” from the two “Battlestar Galactica” TV shows.
In reality, Fark is…
July 11, 2007
Drew Curtis, founder of www.Fark.com, was kind enough to answer some questions from the Business…
June 20, 2007
Go green young man.
A twist on Horace Greeley’s famous advice is growing from a suggestion into a media mandate. Everywhere, they tell us, America and the world are “going green.”
It’s more than just a buzzword term for the eco-…
June 13, 2007
It used to be that you could buy a newspaper on the corner for a penny, a nickel or even a dime. Or the paperboy delivered it to your door, came around another time and collected a whole month’s worth for just a few dollars.
In 2007,…
May 30, 2007
They say even a broken clock is right twice a day. The mainstream media aren’t quite that good when it comes to gas prices.
It took them 26 years to get it right. Rip Van Winkle woke up in less time.
March 1981, right in the midst…
May 9, 2007
Head for the hills; gas prices are over $3 – just make sure you carpool.
That’s the message network Chicken Littles are telling viewers as they hype so-called “record prices” and warn of an economic cataclysm tied to $4-, $5- or $6-a-…
April 18, 2007
The answer to the old riddle “What’s black and white and read all over?” is a newspaper. The new riddle is “What’s black and white and green all over?”
Now it’s a magazine.
On newsstands today, you can find enough “green issues…
March 28, 2007
“Freedom of Choice” was a song by the punk band Devo released in 1980. Today’s use of the term applied to union voting goes back to those same ’80s roots – back to 1984.
George Orwell’s “1984.”
Just like Orwell, liberal Democrats…
February 28, 2007
If the Hoover Dam isn’t one of the wonders of the modern world, it’s not for lack of trying. Tens of thousands of people spent years building this amazing mountain of concrete.
But some on the crazy eco-left want to tear it down – along…