August 7, 2009
The left and the media commonly blame conservatives for hate speech. But as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi proved with her Nazi comment, the left is often the real guilty party. The latest example of this hypocrisy is The Washington Post’s Steven…
May 13, 2008
The feature article on The Washington Post’s “Kid's Post” May 13, entitled “The Heat is On,” asked its young readers to consider whether or not polar bears "deserve" protection under the Endangered Species Act. …
October 24, 2006
It took 31 years, but Newsweek magazine admitted it was incorrect about climate change. In a nearly 1,000-word correction, Senior Editor Jerry Adler finally agreed that a 1975 piece on global cooling “was so spectacularly wrong…
February 18, 2008
Pity the business that gets caught in a media feeding frenzy. The latest example is gun sellers, following another school shooting.
CNN’s Veronica De La Cruz turned a negative spotlight on an…
December 12, 2011
A new study
of drugs for schizophrenia is getting media attention both for
what it says and for what the media claim it says. The Washington
Post especially used the occasion to say it underscores the extent…
December 12, 2011
and scientific circles are still reeling from Katrinas impact as
left-wing climate change advocates try to link the hurricane with
global warming.
December 12, 2011
They say a
picture is worth a thousand words. On the network news, it equals
about 75 cents a gallon.
That's how much the three broadcast
networks have been…
December 12, 2011
dont agree about global warming, especially when it comes to
claiming it caused recent hurricanes. But Time magazine claims the
connection is an easy conclusion to reach.
December 12, 2011
companies cant catch a break on TV news shows. After months of
media complaints about companies selling allegedly unsafe medicines
such as Vioxx, the September 11 edition of 60…
December 12, 2011
Post Spins History to Attack Business
Reparations story calls slavery a crime
and fails to remind readers that it really wasnt.
The Washington Post…