August 13, 2013
When Detroit
declared bankruptcy in June, broadcasters acted like it was a shocking turn of
events. NBC “Nightly News” anchor Brian Williams told the “sad news from Detroit, the
largest U.S. city
to file for bankruptcy.” CBS’s Mark Strassman…
June 22, 2006
President Bush’s prescription drug plan has been panned by conservatives and liberals, for different reasons. But in his June 21 "Evening News" report when CBS’s Wyatt Andrews presented the objections of a liberal health…
June 28, 2006
They wanted to sue over sodas in school, they even complained about 2 percent milk, and now they’re after fruit juices. But to the Washington Post, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is just another health-…
June 21, 2006
Print media ran results of an anti-alcohol group’s study that warned black children are exposed to more alcohol marketing than their white peers, but the report left out information…
August 24, 2006
It’s nearly one year after Katrina and so far the 2006 hurricane season has been a quiet one. But that fact didn’t surface once in Hannah Storm’s August 24 “Early Show” interview with global warming alarmist Mike Tidwell,…
June 26, 2006
Parade magazine wants you to push Congress for higher taxes. Just don't generate too much carbon dioxide on your way there.
Alongside author Eugene Linden’s alarmist June 25 article, “Why You Can’t…
June 21, 2006
“Witnessing the impact of global warming in your life? ABC News wants to hear from you,” read the opening lines of a Web page at ABCNews.com.
June 29, 2006
Detroit is finally wising up about its cars. It’s taking a smaller-is-better cue from Europe, CBS told viewers of the June 28 “Evening News.”
But reporter John Blackstone’s take on DaimlerChrysler’s…
June 24, 2014
When it comes to big money in politics, there’s only
one name the broadcast networks dwell on – the Koch brothers.
Billionaires David and Charles Koch are major
contributors to both conservative and Republican causes. Democrats are “placing
December 13, 2021
One thing is certain, liberal media outlets become even more liberal. Case in point: The Baltimore Sun just dropped syndicated columnist and wildly popular conservative writer Cal Thomas.
The Sun didn't make a big deal about it. Instead it chose to…