May 1, 2007
Want to buy the Brooklyn Bridge? It’s not for sale, but even if it were, BusinessWeek doesn’t think you should be able to buy it.
The May 7 issue warned that “privateers” (another word for “…
April 30, 2007
Gas prices are high, but CNN wants them higher. Lots higher. CNN’s Allen Wastler told viewers April 28 that the government should increase the price with a huge new tax. “Put in a tax to make it $4 a gallon right now,” he…
April 23, 2007
Perhaps CNN’s “Open House” should be renamed to “Open Bias.” The April 21 show had host Gerri Willis issuing her own call for new mortgage regulations.
In a short segment on the subprime mortgage…
April 23, 2007
The headline read like a press release: “Democrats Craft New Tax Rules, New Image.” It might as well have been one.
The April 23 Washington Post front-page story depicted Democrats as opponents…
April 9, 2007
Who needs Nostradamus when you have CNN’s “American Morning"? Instead of waiting for someone to complain about a big executive payday, the April 9 show’s team whined about its own pay and predicted the AFL-CIO would chime in…
April 3, 2007
Customer complaints are down about air travel, but you’d never know it watching either CBS or NBC. Both networks had April 2 reports about a new study that says “what a lot of frequent flyers already know – it has gotten…
April 2, 2007
Al Gore says the earth “has a fever,” but Time magazine claims the planet is “thrashing through the alternating chills and night sweats of a serious illness.”
In the 44-page “Global Warming…
March 20, 2007
Call it “Dancing with the Stars”: Global Warming Edition. Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards showed his best dance moves trying to avoid questions about how energy efficient his 28,000-square-foot mansion really is…
March 6, 2007
Lengthy runway waits might have some customers feeling air sick, but an Associated Press report showed that the chances of a lengthy delay are nearly 1 in 1,000.
Readers of the March 6 AP piece…
February 20, 2007
Five days ago, Diane Sawyer promised viewers they could wake up to ABC’s morning program to find her and her colleagues “taking your case” to insurance companies “and getting answers” about unresolved Hurricane Katrina…