April 2, 2020
Worried about the spread of the coronavirus? Many are, but is allowing the United States government to track people using location data a good idea?
A slim majority of 84 tech experts surveyed have said that the U.S. government should not harness…
July 17, 2007
The Iraq War is too expensive. Americans would be better off spending it on schools and hospitals. That’s the word from CNN’s July 14 “Your $$$$$” or “Your Money” program.
“This is a…
June 25, 2007
CNN’s “In the Money” offered a special slant on business news June 23 – a slant leaning left.
Far left.
In the first 16 minutes of the supposed business show, it…
June 13, 2007
Americans work hard for their money. Too hard, according to CNN. Even worse than even grovelling medieval peasants scratching the land to survive.
That conclusion came from reporter Polly Labarre of…
August 26, 2010
Billy Mays would be proud.
On August 26, Time magazine’s website’s lead with a story titled “How the Stimulus is Changing America,” a 27 paragraph infomercial arguing the stimulus’s goal is a “long-term push to change the country” and the “…
June 14, 2010
As the media keep Goldman Sachs and Wall Street in their blame crosshairs for the financial crisis, government-sponsored entities (GSE’s) Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have quietly snuck by without much criticism.
While a June 14 Bloomberg.com…
June 10, 2010
Is the anti-business sentiment so strong in the media that journalists can’t imagine why Americans would want a former CEO in political office?In an appearance on “Good Morning America” June 10, former cable news host Catherine Crier expressed…
June 3, 2010
The old saying used to go ‘you are what you eat,’ but now the media wants that saying to be ‘you are what you see.’
News outlets from Time to Business Week picked up on a study released June 1 by the Journal of American Dietetic Association (…
June 1, 2010
In The New York Times’ view, industries should surrender to government demands no matter what it would do to their bottom line.
On May 29, the Times wrote a long article called “The Hard Sell on Salt,” that unsympathetically outlined the steps taken…
May 28, 2010
Despite the fact that both The New York Times and NBC Nightly News have Facebook pages, they don’t appear to be friends of the social networking juggernaut.
On May 26, the media reported on Facebook’s announcement that it is making its privacy…