February 2, 2022
The New York Times seems to have fessed up to the elephant in the room. As inflation rises, President Joe Biden’s economic policies are not working for workers.
Reporter Noam Scheiber at The New York Times wrote in a Feb. 1 article that “[e]ven as…
February 18, 2022
The usual suspects have declared war on free enterprise. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Omidyar Network reportedly pledged a total of $41 million to bury free market economics and neoliberalism, once and for all, but The New York…
March 1, 2022
“Under Biden, the U.S. is leading from behind again.”
That tweet from MRC President and founder Brent Bozell undercut the core argument of a New York Times piece describing internationally coordinated financial sanctions against Russia as “…
March 3, 2022
The New York Times pinned responsibility for “containing inflation” on the U.S. Federal Reserve, despite President Joe Biden’s vague promises during the State of the Union Address to “fight inflation” and “build a better America.” It seems that even…
March 11, 2022
The liberal media has been firing its propaganda machine on all cylinders to cover for President Joe Biden’s disastrous energy policies that helped send gas prices sky-high.
It seems The New York Times, CNN, Bloomberg News and The Washington…
May 23, 2022
The same wealthy New York Times economist who admitted he was dead wrong on inflation is claiming that stagflation is nothing to worry about.
Economist Paul Krugman said that “inflation doesn’t seem to be entrenched; 2022 isn’t 1980.” But he…
June 8, 2022
San Francisco's infamously woke District Attorney lost his recall election and even The New York Times couldn’t avoid kicking him on his way out the door.
San Franciscans voted — with a 60.5 percent majority — to eject ex-District Attorney…
July 25, 2022
The New York Times Editorial Board used an illustration of charred and blackened toast to argue — what else? — that climate change could toast the planet.
“The threat posed by climate change to Americans’ lives and livelihoods is urgent and…
July 27, 2022
The liberal media machine is kicking into overdrive to convince the American people not to believe their lying eyes on the economy. Don’t worry if the second-quarter GDP numbers are atrocious, the narrative goes. It doesn’t necessarily mean we’re in…
August 29, 2022
Tesla CEO Elon Musk called for more oil and gas production in order to maintain stability around the world as Europe and the United States suffer through the worst energy crisis in years.
“I think, realistically, we need to use oil and gas in…