June 23, 2010
The Food Police are pursuing their latest criminal: The Hamburglar.
In a statement released on June 22, the liberal Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) announced it was filing a lawsuit against McDonald’s for marketing toys with their…
June 29, 2010
Apparently the “rockets' red glare” isn't “green” enough for some environmentalists.
Fourth of July fireworks displays have been deemed “ecologically hazardous” by some eco-warriors, who are urging environmentally-conscious Americans to shun the…
June 28, 2010
Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan remains largely a mystery to the general public, even though her nomination hearing starts today. Thanks to a virtual media blackout on Kagan's more controversial political stances and associations, Americans still…
June 14, 2010
Parents who assume the Nickelodeon website is kid-friendly should think again – its homepage links to a sister website called AddictingGames.com that features racy, sex-focused video games like “Naughty Babysitter,” “Booty Rider,” and “You da Sperm…
August 27, 2010
If the media attack Obama, it’s usually from the far left.
In an August 27 CNNMoney.com story, reporter Jeanne Sahidi criticized President Obama for refusing to let his tax reform task force consider raising taxes on 98 percent of Americans. Sahidi…
August 24, 2010
In some economic forecasters’ eyes, the sky isn’t falling – it’s fallen.
Appearing on the August 20 Yahoo! Finance ‘Tech Ticker,’ noted trends forecaster Gerald Celente called the current economic crisis “The Greatest Depression.”
“We’re saying…
August 23, 2010
There’s nothing like a hearty dose of media bias to start the morning.
FDA commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg appeared on all three network morning shows for a combined 10 and a half minutes on August 23 to discuss the recent egg recall. All three…
August 18, 2010
Colonel Sanders is rolling over in his grave.
An August 17 New York Daily News story reported that KFC’s second quarter sales fell 7 percent. The reason? According to KFC franchise owners, KFC”s recent marketing strategy of promoting grilled…
August 13, 2010
Art Linkletter hosted ‘Kids Say the Darnedest Things’ and USA Today should create a new show called ‘Kids Buy the Darnedest Things.’
An August 13 USA Today story reported on proposed legislation in San Francisco that would ban toys from kids meals…
August 12, 2010
Just because the summer is almost over doesn’t mean the vacation has to end, especially for public school teachers.
In an August 12 ABCNews.com story, reporter Rich Blake raised an intriguing question: are civil servants the new “fat cats?” While…