April 12, 2013
From the March 18 beginning of the Kermit Gosnell trial until April 12, CNN devoted exactly 24 seconds to the former abortionist's clinic of horrors. In contrast, the network
spent over 18 minutes on Tuesday discussing the controversy over Brad…
September 9, 2005
As we watch the coverage of the hurricane story, it should be a
reminder of the power a mere few people can exercise each day to
influence the opinions of millions of viewers worldwide.
August 24, 2005
Tea leaves and global warming: there is no end to unintended
entertainment by activists. Keep those tea leaves at hand. Its
always show time and the media are there to trumpet the style and…
April 4, 2007
Tax Day 2007 provides all Americans a reminder of the horrible burden placed on them by federal, state and local governments. According to the Tax Foundation, Americans will have to work until April 30 this year just to earn the money they’ll…