March 5, 2009
It’s a bad time to be taking a “business” trip to a luxurious retreat in a warm climate. Especially if you’re doing it on someone else’s dime. If the networks find out, they’ll sneak hidden cameras in and report every detail of your lavish parties,…
February 25, 2009
What a crime! A profitable company honors a contract and spends its own money to host events for clients – the audacity!Taking a page from ABC’s AIG hit job, NBC’s “Today Show” on Feb. 25 took a cheap shot at Northern Trust Bank for the perceived…
February 16, 2009
In case you were unaware, soft drinks may be hazardous to your teeth.ABC’s Diane Sawyer made that abundantly clear in a report during the Feb. 13 “20/20. The report was the product of two years investigating the poverty and adversity faced by…
February 12, 2009
Occasionally, the news media provides justice for a wronged industry or company.
That’s what correspondent Mark Strassmann’s story did on the Feb. 11 “CBS Evening News.” He exposed the repercussions of the recent salmonella…
August 19, 2020
The GOP welcomed the “most-banned woman” with open arms as its candidate for the 21st Congressional District House seat in Florida. But tech companies seem reluctant to budge on their bans of Laura Loomer.
Loomer’s opponent, incumbent Rep.…
August 21, 2020
Facebook fact-checkers should be “nonpartisan and transparent.” But they defended Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) 20 times to one over the course of 10 days.
Since former Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden selected Sen.…
August 28, 2020
It seems ads promoting religion in America are just too “sensitive” for Google and YouTube to handle.
A trailer for the upcoming documentary "America! America! God Shed His Grace on Thee!" was removed several times from Google and YouTube…
August 31, 2020
Facebook claims it wants to promote racial equality by “elevating Black voices.” But if those voices promote conservative content, then Facebook does not want to elevate it.
The Hodgetwins, who market themselves as conservative comedians, received…
September 2, 2020
The United States holds that an individual charged for a crime is innocent until proven guilty. But Facebook, along with a handful of other tech companies, has decided that it is more capable of casting judgment than the U.S. court system.
September 9, 2020
Twitter isn’t just more favorable to the left — it’s wildly more supportive. The company’s trend-setting Twitter Moments account gave massively more favorable attention to the Democrat National Convention over the Republican convention.
During the…