October 31, 2018
Outlets censoring the right’s political ads and then saying that they are neutral is the definition of hypocrisy.
This, however, seems to be at least part of Google’s approach to the midterms. On October 30, the search engine company…
November 1, 2018
Google does not seem to want to change for the sake of its users.
According to an October 31 Bloomberg article, Google filed a statement with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in response to a lawsuit challenge by conservative outlet PragerU. In…
November 2, 2018
Even though 56 percent of America is pro-life, Facebook still deems pro-life ads as unacceptable for its platform.
The pro-life Susan B. Anthony List has had ads deleted from its Facebook page a total of six times, according to the Daily Caller. On…
November 2, 2018
Twitter is abuzz with political ads for the midterms. Just the right, er left, kind of ads though.
Bloomberg released a study on November 2 that found the top spenders on Twitter ads in the midterm campaign. Only three out of the top 12 were…
November 5, 2018
Twitter has proven that it stands by anti-Semitic figures, such as Rev. Louis Farrakhan, by allowing them to stay while suspending other accounts.
So it should come as no surprise that the trending algorithms marked the phrase “kill all Jews…
November 5, 2018
In the midterm cycle, Facebook is used as a platform for political ads paid for by different candidates. But while Democrats flourish on Facebook, Republican ads are blocked for “sensational content.”
On November 5, a day before the…
November 6, 2018
Silicon Valley and the tech world are decidedly left-wing. But the echo chamber they’ve created carries over into tech journalism.
The executive editor of popular tech magazine The Verge is no different. On November 6, Dieter Bohn allowed his…
November 7, 2018
Facebook seems to be fine with human rights violations in South Sudan occuring on its platform.
In South Sudan, according to Voice of America News, an online auction was being held for marriage rights to a 16 year old girl. South Sudan’s…
November 8, 2018
There seems to be no limit to the offenses allowed certain Antifa groups on Twitter and Facebook. SmashRacism DC, an antifa group in the Washington D.C. area, threatened Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson and his wife and 4 children on November 7, 2018…
November 12, 2018
Twitter has let its favoritism of the left go too far -- and Fox News is striking back.
Smash Racism DC, a branch of antifa, attacked Tucker Carlson’s house, reportedly threatened his wife, and doxed Carlson and his family on Twitter on…