July 16, 2019
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) hammered Google from the very beginning of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing, “Google and Censorship through Search Engines.”
In his opening statement, the senator began by saying, “Any inquiry…
July 17, 2019
Big Tech’s biggest threat to democracy isn’t censorship or privacy: it’s election manipulation.
At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, “Google and Censorship through Search Engines,” Dr. Robert Epstein, who researches the impact of Google,…
July 17, 2019
Legislators expressed their frustration with the lack of disciplinary treatment of Facebook at a Senate hearing yesterday.
Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) took a moment during the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing on “Google…
July 18, 2019
Social media has banned and censored people from using its products. What will happen when social media companies create other everyday products — like money?
During two hearings in the House and Senate on July 15 and 16, senators and…
July 19, 2019
The new progressive agenda is simple: Dismantle key elements of the Constitution in order to serve their own purposes.
At the Daily Kos convention, the Netroots Nation Conference, at a panel titled “Racism and the Struggle for Civil…
July 19, 2019
Elected officials are no longer allowed to tweet innocuous support for the United States Navy, if you believe Twitter.
Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott met with Twitter officials on July 15 to discuss why his tweet about the U.S. Navy’s…
July 22, 2019
The liberal media thinks Twitter is censoring Democrats, but not in the same way that it censors conservatives.
In a piece on CNN.com, “Is Twitter Making It Harder for Democrats to Win in 2020?” Editor At-Large Chris Cillizza…
July 22, 2019
Worried about your privacy online? You probably shouldn’t sell the rights to your face to a tech company.
Google employees are taking to the streets of New York City and asking random people for their face data. The search engine…
July 23, 2019
Facebook and Twitter are working together to squelch any conservative opinions about illegal aliens.
Conservative writer and Breitbart contributor Warner Todd Huston wrote that he had been suspended from both social media platforms after…
July 24, 2019
Google’s iron curtain shielding its biases is beginning to crumble.
In an interview with Project Veritas’ founder James O’Keefe, current Google engineer Greg Coppola cast doubt on the multiple testimonies given by Google…