July 10, 2020
It appears as if Twitter does not want people to see a liberal meltdown over supposed racial insensitivity.
“It hurts people when they see a white man bouncing a brown baby on their lap,” screamed New York City Community Education…
July 15, 2020
Facebook, and Silicon Valley, are both “extremely left-leaning,” according to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. So it should come as no surprise that while progressive employees are given the chance to succeed, those who disagree with them are set up…
July 20, 2020
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has openly denied working with President Donald Trump, in order to appease the liberal media.
Zuckerberg told co-founder Mike Allen that “There's no deal of any kind,” in statements made to Axios. He later called…
July 21, 2020
Update: These sites are available again on Google's organic search results.
Google users wouldn’t know that conservative websites like NewsBusters, The Daily Wire, and Breitbart exist if they consulted an organic search result on the…
July 23, 2020
Twitter has been suspending accounts that prominently display the Star of David in their profiles. Yet the company refuses to remove anti-Semitic material and prominent anti-Semites from its platform.
According to the Campaign Against…
July 24, 2020
Events supporting Black Lives Matter are allowed to stay up on Facebook. But not events that support the police force.
According to Law Enforcement Today national spokesperson Kyle Reyes, the page for the Long Island “Back the Blue” rally…
July 28, 2020
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube all worked in concert to mass censor material from President Donald Trump, his son, Donald Trump Jr., and a Facebook event hosted by the Tea Party Patriots that involved doctors discussing COVID-19.
Yet these tech…
July 28, 2020
No one in the media or in tech companies bats an eye when football players kneel during the national anthem as a protest. But when a football player tries to offer an inspirational message of faith, Twitter censors it as “potentially sensitive…
July 29, 2020
Big Tech companies claim to represent American values, but their business practices say otherwise.
The CEOs declared that they were American companies, then had to deal with numerous examples that undermined that patriotic claim. Before a July 29…
August 3, 2020
Twitter has allowed numerous videos of the Black Lives Matter protests and even Antifa riots on its platform. But a video about the Students for Life chalking a sidewalk gets slapped with a label for “potentially sensitive content.”
A tweet…