January 19, 2010
We don’t yet know the outcome of the Jan. 19 Massachusetts Senate special election. But the very fact that the Democrats could lose the seat formerly held by Sen. Ted Kennedy to a conservative who’s made blocking healthcare reform a centerpiece of…
October 8, 2009
With President Obama seeking to nationalize more and more private industry, Michael Moore promoting his latest socialist agit-prop and the left gleefully proclaiming the death of capitalism, a documentary special airing tonight offers a welcome…
October 5, 2009
The real problem with U.S. health care is a “misalignment of the American system,” at least according to The Washington Post. Post staff writer Ceci Connolly presented that perspective Sept. 29 in her article: “In Delivering Care, More Isn't Always…
January 2, 2009
On its website, Time Magazine has published a “Dirty Dozen” list of things and people “guilty” for our current economic woes. With 12 chances to assign blame, Time had 12 shots at fairness and journalistic balance. It failed all 12 times. …
January 20, 2009
On Jan. 20, the same day Britain was fighting to avoid taking one or more of its banks under government control, Joe Balestrino, portfolio manager for Federated Investors, told anchor Dagen McDowell of Fox Business Network that he hoped for big…
August 8, 2018
Reporters are really good at worrying about the standards of other people’s professions. Their own? Maybe not so much. Take Washington Post reporter Joel Achenbach, who tells readers “Researchers are supposed to have what is known as…
April 30, 2019
Social media companies appear to be tossing away their copies of SPLC’s bogus “hate map.” It took a while, but Facebook finally responded to the April 3 call from MRC President Brent Bozell and numerous other conservative leaders…
November 10, 2009
As we survey the horror of the Ft. Hood massacre, it might be useful to remember that we've been here before, with another shooting 16 years ago. The circumstances were very different, but the reaction of the media and other elite – the excusing,…
December 9, 2009
What’s that hissing sound? Al Gore’s fuse? Steam coming from Barbara Boxer’s ears?
Probably, but mostly, it’s the sound of gas escaping the climate change balloondoggle. Assuredly, there’s no shortage of UN envirocrats ready and willing to plug…
August 5, 2009
So Democrats don’t like all those ads for prescription drugs on T.V. – the ones for high cholesterol, enlarged prostates, dry eyes and, yes, ED. On C-Span recently, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman, D., Calif., said “a lot…