January 14, 2009
In December alone, 640,000 jobs reportedly disappeared. This number only slightly inflated by all the elves laid off at North Pole Enterprises on the 26th. There’s a secret reason for these losses, never mentioned in the media.
When I was a kid,…
October 19, 2011
The Gap has announced it is closing 20 percent of its stores in the U.S., and not opening any new ones. Instead, it's focusing its investing in Asia. It made this announcement before the holiday shopping season's results come in. Imagine what's…
October 10, 2011
Saturday, October 1, Fox News and other media outlets reported that 27 states owe the federal government $40-billion they had to borrow to pay the extension after unfunded extension of unemployment benefits the federal government mandated that they…
September 12, 2011
The pundit universe was afire this past week over Gov. Perry's characterizing Social Security as a Ponzi scheme, one of the oldest forms of financial fraud, well-defined.
The Boston Globe, in its review of a book titled 'The Looting of Social…
September 2, 2011
Sad to say, this isn't shocking news. The pesident's first official, post-vacation act on Monday was nominating Alan Krueger, a Princeton academic, to head his council of economic advisers (a herd of other academics.)
And who wouldn't? It might…
July 13, 2011
On the FOX financial show, "Cashin' In," on July 11, a discussion broke out over a new scheme to subsidize employers' hiring of ex-convicts. The plan would give employers $2,400 in tax credits and some new, free, government insurance against theft…
December 29, 2008
Editor, The New York Times
229 West 43rd St.
New York, NY 10036
To the Editor:
Like many people, Ben Stein was assured that Bernard Madoff "never lost money" ("They Told Me That Madoff Never Lost Money," Dec. 28). Unlike many people, Ben Stein…
December 18, 2008
Editor, The New York Times
229 West 43rd St.
New York, NY 10036
To the Editor:
Bravo for Roger Cohen's explanation that market economies work by creating new firms, new products, new processes – and that these creations are both the source of our…
December 15, 2008
Editor, The Wall Street Journal
200 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10281
To the Editor:
You rightly dismiss the argument that a government bailout of GM, Ford, and Chrysler is justified by the concern that people won't buy cars from companies in…
December 15, 2008
Editor, The New York Times
229 West 43rd St.
New York, NY 10036
To the Editor:
Presidential spokeswoman Dana Perino said Dec. 12 that "Under normal economic conditions we would prefer that markets determine the ultimate fate of private firms.…