November 10, 2010
Only a royal king and queen would use an entire fleet of aircraft to take a couple thousand people (!) from their royal court and elite circle of friends on a week-long holiday to distant India. Back home, there is deep recession immune to the king’…
September 22, 2010
In a 1993 contest, Swedish newspaper Expressen gave $1,250 to five expert stock market analysts and to one chimpanzee, named Ola. They were all free to invest in the market as they wished, in a contest to see who could produce the best profit in 30…
October 6, 2010
President Obama is having less luck in backyards and town halls than he’d hoped. He and his team seem firmly convinced their troubles are all, as the Captain said to Paul Newman in “Cool Hand Luke,” “a failure to communicate.”
Further, they…
August 25, 2010
My family and I are exhausted. While my wife and kids took an-ultra luxury vacation in Spain, I jetted back and forth to Chicago to celebrate my birthday as a temporary bachelor.
After that, we got back together for a family weekend at the beach on…
September 29, 2010
In Bob Woodward’s new book, President Obama is quoted as saying “We can absorb a terrorist attack.” Thus, Woodward reveals in stark clarity Obama’s ambivalence and reluctance to prosecute a war against terrorists who organize against us, let alone…
September 15, 2010
At the Gap, at Old Navy, at other stores, the size labels in men’s slacks or jeans lie. Pants labeled as having a 36-in. waist actually measure to 39, 39-1/2, even 41. Why? Because men think they are thinner than they are. If a guy believes he’s a…
December 18, 2009
For husbands everywhere, Tiger Woods. By comparison, we all look good. Even Letterman, Gov. Sanford and former Sen. Edwards said – “See!” It’s like going to your wife’s high school reunion and discovering the quarterback she could have married…
August 18, 2010
The news media tend to report facts about the economy distinctly and separated from each other. Here is a collection of facts brought together, to provide a clearer, fuller snapshot of the incredibly dangerous position President Obama has us in ……
August 11, 2010
All last week, poll results had pundits like Chris Matthews puzzled and outraged that a near majority were willing to question President Obama’s very legitimacy. Matthews and co. chalk it up to ignorance, stupidity and – most of all – racism. But…
August 4, 2010
“The Happiest Place on Earth” is not, apparently, the most optimistic place on earth. Last week Disney dumped Miramax for $660-million. A few weeks before, Disney abandoned its own prohibition against residential community development on adjacent-to…