May 19, 2011
For the third time, a court has found it necessary to order President Obama to comply with the law. The first two times, he thumbed his nose.
Twice before, courts ordered his administration to lift its moratorium on pending oil drilling permits and…
May 6, 2011
A lot of celebration. With the wedding watched 'round the world, Britain celebrated its royals, its culture, and its own patriotic pride. We joined in here in the U.S. as enthusiastic and appreciative spectators. We pretty much refuse to watch their…
April 20, 2011
Mr. President, I did not see or hear your speech outlining your budget and solutions to the monstrously multiplying deficit and out of control spending, delivered in the middle of the day on April 13, 2011. Because, like most Americans, I was…
April 8, 2011
Whatever small number of "new jobs" were purportedly created in February, (I forget the number), and reported by most of the media as encouraging, more than half were birthed by small business. That would be businesses owned by folks earning over $…
March 23, 2011
I'm a marketing guy. I'm good at it, and if need be, I can figure out how to sell shaved ice cones to Eskimos or pig manure to pig farmers. But I usually prefer devoting my talents to worthy products and services that benefit consumers. For that…
March 10, 2011
On Sunday's 'Meet the Press,' the White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley was tap dancing around host David Gregory's every question as fast and adroitly as if he were auditioning for 'Dancing With the Stars.'
One thing struck me about his dance steps…
February 23, 2011
The illegally striking union workers of Wisconsin and other states, along with the pundits siding with them, are making much of the fact that they negotiated and hold contracts specifying their benefits. They are contracts giving them expansive…
February 16, 2011
Only a week after the president's state of the union speech, which included much about re-invigorating American innovation (spurred of course by massive government investment) The Washington Post reported that America's 3rd largest maker of solar…
February 10, 2011
President Obama gave two recent speeches to business groups and sat for an interview that included questions about his relationship with the U.S. business community. What he said in those instances again demonstrated his rare combination of…
January 28, 2011
The New York Times recently quoted Mayor Don Plusquelic of Akron, Ohio, in an article about city mayors contemplating and threatening bankruptcy as the only way out of their monster deficits - save, of course, an Obama bail-out.
"Let me go back to…