November 24, 2010
Dear Mr. Buffett. Thank you for your suggestion that everyone who earns over
$1 million a year patriotically pony up and get taxed a lot more than we already are. Your free advice so generously given should not pass without grateful acknowledgement…
November 4, 2010
By my schedule necessities, I’m writing this on Sunday, right before election night knowing you’ll see it afterwards. And if I’m going to give you old news, I might as well make it really old:
“Designed especially for city and suburban motoring,…
October 27, 2010
I have just returned from a week in London. The food was gray, weather grayer, and their economy bleak, dark and foreboding.
Their coalition government’s hastily cobbled together “austerity program” became a big U.S. news item while I was there,…
October 20, 2010
Many people fear that ObamaCare will necessitate rationing, to curb consumption and cap costs. But an even better bending of the cost curve would be to eliminate care altogether.
As it is obvious there’ll be less turf, turf battles have begun. The…
October 13, 2010
You would think all members of Congress would rebel at being systematically made irrelevant. Is it possible they are so dumb they can’t see Obama at work neutering them?
The myriad horrors woven throughout the 2,000+ page health insurance industry…
November 30, 2011
On "Meet The Press," Grover Norquist, keeper of the pledge some legislators and presidential candidates have signed not to raise taxes, succinctly stated the Democrat position.
The only problem in Washington, D.C., Norquist explained, is that the…
November 18, 2011
Does the name Gennifer Flowers ring a bell?
When Flowers came forward to describe her long-running sexual relationship with Bill Clinton, the mainstream media was quick to doubt her, ridicule her and attack her. Gloria Always-Ready-for-a-Camera did…
August 26, 2011
Here are two under-reported, outrageous news stories. One a general story, one a business story - both are very bad news of the same kind. The first should anger you, the second should scare you.
The U.S.D.A. is, this school year, running a new…
September 16, 2011
If you're a Tweeter, here's the Charlatan-In-Chief's speech last week in the Twitter idiom:
No News. Lie More. Spend More. Tax More. Borrow More. Print More. Four Years More.
84 characters left over, but nothing more to say.
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July 12, 2011
This past week, Little Timmy the Treasury Secretary made a remarkable public confession, which of course the mainstream media barely noticed. He said that the administration was trying different things and experimenting with their best ideas about…