August 26, 2011
Here are two under-reported, outrageous news stories. One a general story, one a business story - both are very bad news of the same kind. The first should anger you, the second should scare you.
The U.S.D.A. is, this school year, running a new…
September 16, 2011
If you're a Tweeter, here's the Charlatan-In-Chief's speech last week in the Twitter idiom:
No News. Lie More. Spend More. Tax More. Borrow More. Print More. Four Years More.
84 characters left over, but nothing more to say.
Perhaps you'd like a…
July 12, 2011
This past week, Little Timmy the Treasury Secretary made a remarkable public confession, which of course the mainstream media barely noticed. He said that the administration was trying different things and experimenting with their best ideas about…
August 19, 2011
This past week President Obama unveiled his two best ideas for ending our economic crisis and unleashing a job creation tsunami. Apparently he has been keeping these powerful plans in reserve, waiting until they were most needed. In case you missed…
August 15, 2011
On Sunday, August 7's "Meet the Press," of everybody at the table, only Alan Greenspan came close to truth, and host David Gregory quickly moved the conversation away from it.
The pre- and post-debt ceiling debacle argument about economic policy has…
August 1, 2011
While we have been arguing about how many more trillions to borrow - and spend as fast as we can - based on the asinine premise that taking on more debt should be reassuring about our solvency, reports in The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and…
July 5, 2011
Last week I wrote about the FDA's big announcement of its new labeling requirements for sun tan lotion. It was clearly an urgent priority worth whatever months and millions devoted, at this time when every penny of government spending that can be…
June 23, 2011
Thank God and Government! Breaking news. You'll be so relieved. Last week the media reported the reassuring fact that the FDA had finally imposed new labeling requirements on bottles of sun tan/sunscreen lotion. Whew.
Sure, the entire economy is a…
June 16, 2011
Last week Charlie Cook, the usually carefully spoken and reasonable political pundit frequently seen on MSNBC, may have revealed something dark about himself with this comment about Sarah Palin: "She's making more money than God ever intended her to…
May 19, 2011
For the third time, a court has found it necessary to order President Obama to comply with the law. The first two times, he thumbed his nose.
Twice before, courts ordered his administration to lift its moratorium on pending oil drilling permits and…