June 27, 2005
Does Cover Story on Voodoo Science
Autism claim is just
latest way to attack coal power plants for adding mercury into the…
June 22, 2005
Times Brings Balance to
Outsourcing Coverage
The insourcing side of the story shows how
imported auto industry plants bring 60,000 jobs to U.S…
July 22, 2009
Want to know the correct number of uninsured? Don’t turn to Reuters. In the July 22 article “Congress Making ‘Great Progress’ on Healthcare-Pelosi” Reuters reported that “President Barack Obama will hold a prime-time news conference to push for the…
July 22, 2009
Give CBS’s morning crew this much credit: they’re not fickle. Even as the media air began perceptibly leaking from the president’s health care balloon, “The Early Show” was valiantly clinging to “maybes.”
On July 22, host Maggie Rodriguez talked…