January 27, 2010
Ignore Contradiction between Obama's Middle Class Giveaways,
Spending 'Freeze'
After the upset in Massachusetts last week, the Obama
administration changed its…
January 20, 2010
Companies Donate $83 Million to Haiti, Get Less Than Three
Minutes of Coverage
When tragedy strikes as it did in Haiti last week, American
individuals and corporations rush…
January 13, 2010
Fail to Criticize Obama Despite Most Jobs Lost in a Year Since
More than 4.1 millions jobs disappeared in 2009, but the network
media are not reporting the "…
December 14, 2005
The Media’s Top 10 Economic Myths of 2005
See Executive Summary
“So people at home right now are saying, ‘Economic slowdown? How slow is it going to go?’ Are we headed for another recession?”– Anchor John Roberts, “CBS Evening News,” April 15,…
December 14, 2005
See Full Report
It was difficult to wade through the economic news of 2005. Gloom and doom overwhelmed any rational examination of the U.S. economy. Journalists were so obsessed with their negative outlooks that they set aside reason and reported…
December 8, 2006
See Full Report
10. American manufacturing is obsolete Media myth: All the manufacturing jobs have been shipped overseas, and the only ones left are in the almost empty plants of the Big Three automakers. 9. The American dream has become a…
December 6, 2007
See Executive Summary
10. Airlines are solely to blame for the unfriendly skies. Media myth: Blame the airlines for all those flight delays; never mind the obsolete government-run agency creating the gridlock.
The media were quite…
July 22, 2009
Want to know the correct number of uninsured? Don’t turn to Reuters. In the July 22 article “Congress Making ‘Great Progress’ on Healthcare-Pelosi” Reuters reported that “President Barack Obama will hold a prime-time news conference to push for the…
July 22, 2009
Give CBS’s morning crew this much credit: they’re not fickle. Even as the media air began perceptibly leaking from the president’s health care balloon, “The Early Show” was valiantly clinging to “maybes.”
On July 22, host Maggie Rodriguez talked…