July 29, 2009
Since Congressmen do not even read the bills they pass anymore, Barbara Walters asked the question on many Americans’ minds about healthcare “reform”: “What is the bill? Does anyone know?” A valid question, but unfortunately, “The View” turned to a…
July 21, 2009
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office has found that the current plan for healthcare reform will add to the nation’s deficit and drive healthcare costs up, not down. However, House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D-SC, and disgraced former CBS…
June 15, 2009
The media’s obsession with chemicals in children’s products has led to a national health scare over the chemical bisphenol A (BPA). It’s a scare the rest of the world sees as unnecessary and irrelevant, according to a new study by the Statistical…
June 1, 2009
As GM filed for a long expected bankruptcy under Chapter 11 on June 1, CBS’s “The Early Show” offered a report this morning that failed to acknowledge key facts and opinions regarding the bankruptcy and the role of the federal government and the…
June 30, 2011
On Saturday, June 25, 2011, thousands flooded the streets to celebrate the passage of New York's law permitting same-sex marriage. Amongst those who put on their party hats to rejoice were the media, who for years now have unashamedly supported…
May 23, 2007
Global warming must already have fried our brains. George Bush and the Congress can’t wait to pour more subsidies into corn ethanol. Indonesia is clearing tropical forest to grow palm oil for Europe’s diesel engines. Canada is about to build…
August 4, 2005
FairTax Gets Unfair Interview
CNNs Soledad OBrien
warns of the impending devastation of the economy with the FairTax.
July 18, 2005
CBS dares to criticize business ethics of other companies
Network assaulted
industry but didnt give them any chance to respond.
by …
July 15, 2005
Networks will report just about anything you say if your name is
Environmentalists claim
mercury link with autism is…
July 14, 2005
Food Police Crack Down on Soda
Media treat left-wing
pro-tax group as unbiased consumer advocate.
by Megan