March 2, 2010
News Editor, WTOP Radio
Washington, D.C.
Dear Sir or Madam:
Interviewed this morning by Bruce Alan and Mike Moss, economist Robert Shapiro explained that the "swipe fees" that credit-card issuers charge merchants each time merchants' customers pay…
January 14, 2010
Editor, Washington Post
1150 15th St., NW
Washington, DC 20071
Dear Editor:
Regarding "Tens of thousands feared dead" (Jan. 14): The ultimate tragedy in Haiti isn't the earthquake; it's that country's lack of economic freedom. The earthquake…
January 14, 2010
13 January 2010
Editor, USA Today
Dear Editor:
Helen Ashworth writes that "Our current economic crisis is worse than the Great Depression" (Letters, Jan. 13). She's wrong. By no measure - rate of unemployment; decline in GDP; length of the…
September 16, 2009
Editor, Financial Times
Clyde Prestowitz makes his case for higher tariffs by slaying a strawman ("Obama can help free trade with tariffs," Sept. 10). According to Prestowitz, the case for free trade rests on "the assumptions that the markets are…
July 29, 2009
Liberals know that if the health care “overhaul” fails, they cannot blame Republicans. Therefore they are already taking shots against their own. While the Blue Dogs halt a bill that goes against their fiscally conservative values, the rest of the…
July 2, 2009
President Obama held a “National Discussion on Healthcare Forum” on July 1 in which he was supposed to field questions about healthcare reform. Americans could submit their questions online using YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. While Obama did field…
June 30, 2009
Time magazine’s Michael Grunwald attempted in an article on Time’s Web site to make connections between two of the most prominent issues facing America and congress today, healthcare and energy. But he put forward a flawed argument that lacked…
June 3, 2009
In a time when fiscal responsibility from politicians seems to be a thing of the past, NBC’s “Today Show” and ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson” criticized California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for his proposed budget cuts in his effort to…