September 20, 2010
The disdain was understated, but it was there. Liberal website Huffington Post published a short item Sept. 20 noting that the man credited with starting the Tea Party movement hasn’t donned sack cloth and ashes in penance. In fact, Rick Santelli…
January 8, 2010
As global warming alarmists get more desperate, they’re turning to allies in the mainstream media to help promote increasingly strident protests that the world really is warming.
Nobody is happier to oblige than ABC News. On Jan. 8, “World News”…
November 11, 2008
Just as the government was boosting its assistance to troubled insurance giant AIG, one of the networks ran another story criticizing an executive boondoggle that wasn’t an executive boondoggle.
On ABC’s “Good Morning America” Nov. 11,…
November 4, 2008
This presidential campaign season, the candidates threw around proposed tax plans with huge numbers attached. Here’s another big number: four. A reporter at a broadcast network or a major American newspaper is four times more likely to turn to…
October 31, 2008
Better late than never. On Oct. 30, the day after Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama’s half-hour prime time infomercial, CBS “Evening News” took a skeptical look at the candidate’s fiscal proposals.
“By the end of his…
July 29, 2009
Liberals know that if the health care “overhaul” fails, they cannot blame Republicans. Therefore they are already taking shots against their own. While the Blue Dogs halt a bill that goes against their fiscally conservative values, the rest of the…
July 2, 2009
President Obama held a “National Discussion on Healthcare Forum” on July 1 in which he was supposed to field questions about healthcare reform. Americans could submit their questions online using YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. While Obama did field…
June 30, 2009
Time magazine’s Michael Grunwald attempted in an article on Time’s Web site to make connections between two of the most prominent issues facing America and congress today, healthcare and energy. But he put forward a flawed argument that lacked…
June 3, 2009
In a time when fiscal responsibility from politicians seems to be a thing of the past, NBC’s “Today Show” and ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson” criticized California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for his proposed budget cuts in his effort to…
January 26, 2009
The old adage goes, “There are two sides to every issue.” It’s true, unless you report for The Washington Post. In a Jan. 26 story, Juliet Eilperin and Steven Mufson wrote that President Barack Obama was planning to reverse two Bush administration…