July 29, 2009
Liberals know that if the health care “overhaul” fails, they cannot blame Republicans. Therefore they are already taking shots against their own. While the Blue Dogs halt a bill that goes against their fiscally conservative values, the rest of the…
July 2, 2009
President Obama held a “National Discussion on Healthcare Forum” on July 1 in which he was supposed to field questions about healthcare reform. Americans could submit their questions online using YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. While Obama did field…
June 30, 2009
Time magazine’s Michael Grunwald attempted in an article on Time’s Web site to make connections between two of the most prominent issues facing America and congress today, healthcare and energy. But he put forward a flawed argument that lacked…
June 3, 2009
In a time when fiscal responsibility from politicians seems to be a thing of the past, NBC’s “Today Show” and ABC’s “World News with Charles Gibson” criticized California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for his proposed budget cuts in his effort to…
September 2, 2014
The same year that former Vice President Al Gore predicted
that the Arctic sea ice could be completely gone, the ice has actually reached
its highest point in two years. This revelation comes from a report by the Danish Meteorological
September 3, 2014
As the school season starts up again, parents will be facing the choice of having their kids buy their lunch or pack it. With the changes to the National School Lunch Program, many are choosing to brown bag it.But in spite of backlash from children…
September 16, 2014
The media should be reporting on this, but they consistently ignore it.Legal battles against state governor’s with higher political aspirations keep cropping up. But looking deeper into attacks on Republican governors from Texas, Wisconsin and…
September 24, 2014
The UN Climate Summit 2014 was a glaring example of
hypocrisy. Just the
speakers alone, not the attendees or notable guests for the summit,
traveled a grand total of 1,036,537 miles from locations as distant as China,
India and Peru. That’s enough…