March 3, 2009
Imagine my surprise to hear Chris Matthews, on his February 26 broadcast, enthusiastically announce that President Obama is “promising to tax the rich people in order to pay for health care for the working people.”
Dear Mr. Matthews: maybe you are a…
February 25, 2009
We know they’re chummy. We know she knows cars – she’s given them to every member of her audience before. So why shouldn’t President Obama install his pal Oprah as the new federal Car Czar and let her run one more government giveaway lollapalooza?…
February 18, 2009
Last week, President Obama explained as if talking to the dim-witted that stimulus is synonymous with spending. The fawning media swallowed it whole and regurgitated it as gospel.
While I did not go to Harvard, I do own a dictionary. Several, in…
February 11, 2009
The January 26th issue of “The Wall Street Journal” finally provided some really cheery news about the economy with the joyful headline: “Recession Batters Law Firms, Triggering Layoffs, Closings.”
I’ve long advocated a government imposed one- to…
February 4, 2009
In an interview in the January issue of Esquire, super tough guy and Cleveland Brown of all Cleveland Browns, Jim Brown said: “A liberal is arrogant enough to think he can do you a half-***ed favor. He is superior enough to think he can give you…
January 27, 2009
In business there is a crime called “bait and switch.” It refers to the practice of advertising something that a lot of people want, in order to lure them to a store or showroom under fraudulent premise, with no intent whatsoever of providing what…
January 21, 2009
Turning on the news now is a dismal experience. It’s bleak. Most of the reporting and opining is ignorant or superficial, and it’s all depressing. We need some dramatically different news. When I was a kid, I read Mad Magazine, and enjoyed their “…
January 14, 2009
In December alone, 640,000 jobs reportedly disappeared. This number only slightly inflated by all the elves laid off at North Pole Enterprises on the 26th. There’s a secret reason for these losses, never mentioned in the media.
When I was a kid,…
October 19, 2011
The Gap has announced it is closing 20 percent of its stores in the U.S., and not opening any new ones. Instead, it's focusing its investing in Asia. It made this announcement before the holiday shopping season's results come in. Imagine what's…
October 10, 2011
Saturday, October 1, Fox News and other media outlets reported that 27 states owe the federal government $40-billion they had to borrow to pay the extension after unfunded extension of unemployment benefits the federal government mandated that they…