June 9, 2008
Both ABC’s “Good Morning America” and NBC’s “Today” highlighted high gas prices, the unemployment rate and the stock market’s June 6 drop on the June 9 shows. And both suggested government intervention was needed to “help” the economy.
June 6, 2008
How much does it cost you to breathe? For asthmatics, the price will be going way up because of a 2005 federal mandate and a treaty to protect the ozone layer.
CBS “The Early Show” reporter Maggie Rodriguez discussed the “green” inhalers…
June 4, 2008
CBS came up with a new way to save money on gas: just run out it. On June 3, “Evening News,” Katie Couric reported that drivers were running out of gas,as a way to get a free gallon. But the story played with numbers, making the case that gas…
September 16, 2009
Editor, Financial Times
Clyde Prestowitz makes his case for higher tariffs by slaying a strawman ("Obama can help free trade with tariffs," Sept. 10). According to Prestowitz, the case for free trade rests on "the assumptions that the markets are…