July 17, 2007
The Iraq War is too expensive. Americans would be better off spending it on schools and hospitals. That’s the word from CNN’s July 14 “Your $$$$$” or “Your Money” program.
“This is a…
June 25, 2007
CNN’s “In the Money” offered a special slant on business news June 23 – a slant leaning left.
Far left.
In the first 16 minutes of the supposed business show, it…
June 13, 2007
Americans work hard for their money. Too hard, according to CNN. Even worse than even grovelling medieval peasants scratching the land to survive.
That conclusion came from reporter Polly Labarre of…
December 8, 2015
Want to tell people that they are hurting children around the globe?
Use a pop star and a fake newscast to soften up the guilt trip.
In a video reminiscent of a bad episode of “Who Wore it Better,” pop superstar Katy Perry channeled…
December 16, 2015
In recent weeks, thousands of negotiators from 196 governments met in Paris “for a major conference on climate change” attempting to reach an agreement for every country to lower its greenhouse gas emissions: emissions climate alarmists…
December 16, 2015
In spite of the fact that Hollywood celebrities live in fancy houses, often use private planes and galavant around the world spewing far more carbon than the Average Joe, many of them love to warn about the threat of climate change.
So it was no…
November 13, 2008
The liberal media worked overtime against California's marriage amendment, Proposition 8, which the voters passed 52 to 48 percent. Now they are working to elevate angry gay protesters who are vilifying opponents and targeting churches.
October 29, 2008
A West Hollywood prankster is making Halloween headlines by hanging Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin in effigy. But the real story of the past few weeks is the news media's high-tech lynching of the Alaska governor.
Coming out of…
October 22, 2008
Barack Obama's relationship with Weathermen founder William Ayers would reveal a great deal about the candidate's character and values, if establishment journalists chose to tell the tale.
But rather than investigate and expose the truth, many…
September 9, 2008
The monster springs suddenly, without warning, from the frigid depths of the Bering Sea. Striding imperiously onto dry land, it slowly turns its crested head toward an isolated fishing village.
The people scatter, screaming in terror. All, that…